For you Card Makers out there or those who
just want to try something different...
This is our Card Box Gift Set Class
that will be at the Retreat
$25 includes class kit.....
Also available at the Retreat....
" Display Stands "
They come is 3 sizes
6x6, 8x8, and 12x12
You can Pre- order yours now....
These come Raw Timber with rings and backing board.
Retreat Special
6x6 $6.95 (9.95 in store)
8 x 8 $9.95 (14.95 in store)
12 x 12 $12.95 (19.95 in store)
If your thinking about doing one at the Retreat
you will need to bring:
*Soft paint Brush
* 2 paints
* Crackle medium
I have used a dark underneath and then a light colour over the top.
I have also used a crackle medium to get this effect.
Pre-Orders need to be in by 1st of March to make sure plenty of time for orders to arrive in time...